Quickest HealthCare Degrees
Who Do I Talk to About my Nursing School Loan?
When you get financial aid in the form of grants and scholarships, you know that if you have any questions or concerns, you can talk to a financial aid adviser. But nursing school loans are a little different. You may be given the money through the school, but it comes from a financial institution, and when you pay your loan back, your money goes to that institution. So who do you talk to if you have a question about your loan? Who can explain any changes that occur in your terms, or offer advice about the best repayment plan for you?  


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Your school financial aid adviser
  Your financial aid adviser at school is still a good person to talk to about your nursing school loan. Since your nursing school loan is most likely given to you through your federal financial aid package, a financial aid adviser will know the details of the loan, as well as how loans and repayments work for students.

A financial aid adviser will also be able to help you understand details about how financial aid works, and any changes that are going on in federal financial aid that may affect your loans. Though you'll likely get this information sent to you, it can help to have someone explain it to you one-on-one.

If you have gotten a private loan outside of your financial aid, your financial aid adviser may still be able to help, but may not have all the answers you need. In that case, it's best to speak with someone at the financial institution that holds your nursing school loan.
Your financial institution representative
  You may find that some of your questions are best answered by a representative at the company that holds your loan, such as Sallie Mae. Since they have all your information and deal directly with your nursing school loan, they will be able to speak to your individual situation and give you the answers you need. It's their job to know about your loan, and to help you better understand it.

Again, if you've gotten a private loan rather than a loan through federal financial aid, a representative at your financial institution is a good person to talk to. A financial aid adviser at your school will probably be able to help you some, but with private loans, it's best to talk to the people directly involved with the loans.

Make sure that any questions you have are answered fully, and if the person you're talking to can't help you, don't be afraid to ask to speak with someone else. Yes, a loan is money you owe to someone else, but working with people to make the relationship a smooth one will go a long way to helping both sides feel better about the situation. No matter what kind of loan you have, or from where, there is always someone you can talk to and get the answers you need about it. There's no reason you should feel confused about your nursing school loan.
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